The Benefits of Watermelon for Your Dog
Summer Treat Idea with Health Benefits: Watermelon
Summer is in full swing and the days are toasty! Now is the time when finding ways to keep your pup cool becomes a top priority. One such option is to give your pup refreshing treats! Watermelon is a perfect healthy option your dog will love!
It is THE summer treat for humans and pups and for good reasons. Did you know they are a powerhouse treat?
Here are 6 reasons why watermelons are an excellent treat:
- Watermelons will boost hydration. They are 92% water!
- Watermelons are a low calorie option They are fat-free and cholesterol free too.
- Because they are packed with vitamins, they support healthy immune systems, healthy skin and coat
- They are loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium
- Watermelons are an excellent sources of Vitamin A and B6
- They contain fibre so can aid in healthy digestion
With any treat, make sure to feed in moderation or according to your pup's specific needs. Generally though, this is a fruit you won't have to worry about if your dog sneaks a piece off of the picnic table when you're not looking!